The Start of 5 Questions with...

This is the start of my 5 Questions with series where I interview people about their personal growth and development journey. These words mean something different to everyone. It can mean improving self-awareness, learning new skills, developing strengths, improving a career, enhancing your lifestyle, improving health, fulfilling aspirations, and so much more. The goal of this interview series is to understand the different ways people strive for and experience growth in their lives, what's worked or hasn't worked for them, and offer some tangible advice on how you can live your life better.

I'm going to start by interviewing people in my network. Normal people who I believe are kicking ass in some way, even though they might not think so. Most of the people I interview won't even know what I mean when I talk about personal growth and development, but you'll see that they actually do - they either call it something else or don't have a name for it. I want to showcase these amazing individuals with the hope that they will inspire you as well, to just reach a little harder for what you want.

First up is Lilly Chen.

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