Weekly Ponderings #20: Journaling prompts to come into 2020 hot 🔥

Last email from me in 2019! Gah, can't believe there have been 21 of these already. I hope you've picked up a couple things from this newsletter that you've loved, either a new product, app, podcast, recipe, or a random pondering.

If there are any specific topics you'd love to see more of, please let me know! Just respond to this email or message me on insta @jessiandco and we'll chat. I love hearing from you.

Given it's the last couple days of 2019, I wanted to leave you with some journaling prompts to help you reflect on the year and set intentions for 2020. Even if you can't get to this exercise this week (though I'd argue carving out 30 min to do this is important and could be life changing), save this email for later. You can even do these exercises at the end of every month or quarter to check-in.

Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year!!! 🥳 

It's been real 2019. Can't wait to see what 2020 brings.

<3 Jess

Write down all your most memorable experiences, month by month. If you're like me and live by your calendar, you may need to consult it to remember everything you did this year. When I did this exercise, I remembered an amazing private cooking class I organized for my family last January, which I had completely forgotten about. I also remembered a bunch of weekend girl trips I took that were sooo much fun, which made me realize I need to schedule more of these into 2020.

Review the list. What do you want to do more of in 2020? Less of? What didn't you get around to doing that you want to do? Write them down.

What were some things you learned in 2019? This could be major insights you had about yourself, your business, your relationships, or just life. Or maybe you read some books or listened to podcasts that really blew your mind.

Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (10 being best) for how happy you are in the below areas:

1. Health
2. Emotional/Mental
3. Relationships (Friends/Family)
4. Love/Romance
5. Service
6. Learning/Personal Growth
7. Experiences
8. Spirituality
9. Career
10. Finances

In the areas where you scored lower, why?

What would your life look like if you scored 10 in each area? Go through each one and visualize the best version of yourself in that category. For example, if health was a 10 -- How do you feel? What do you eat? What do you look like? How often do you move your body? How much do you sleep? etc.

What areas do you want to focus on in 2020? What goals or intentions do you want to set?

Take 5-10 things and turn them into affirmations - write them in the present tense. Examples:

"I sleep 8 hrs a night"
"I drink half my body weight in ounces of water every day"
"I make $200k/year"
"I give away 5% of my earnings to charity"
"I attend 2 personal development events a year"

I recommend writing down your 5-10 goals (affirmation style) every day. You will be AMAZED at what you'll achieve and the impact when you apply this much intention to the different areas of your life.

Note that the goal of this exercise is NOT to feel bad or ashamed about where you are now. Try not to judge yourself on what's not going well as you'd like. Use this exercise to understand where you are now and decide where you want to be. You're in control of your life. Be intentional about what you do with it.

This is a weekly newsletter of things I'm loving, learning, and pondering. Not a subscriber? Sign up here. Catch up on all previous weeks here

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